One of the most exciting things about growing up in Lompoc–aside from the Flower Festival–was watching real rockets launch into space. Sometimes a friend’s parent worked out on the slicks or for the contractors in charge of the launch and we would get a little heads up beforehand.
If we were in class at the time of the launch, we could hear the windows begin to rattle. The floor would shake as if an earthquake was on its way. Our faces would turn toward the slicks to the west of us. We would rush to the windows and press our faces against it. Scanning the sky to try to be the first to spot the rocket, fingers began to point and we would finally hone in on the bright blaze in the sky….
For about a minute, our teacher finally had us quiet as we watched with amazement. Some of us dreamed of leaving town on the rocket, anxious to explore, wanting something bigger than this little city had to offer. For others it was a welcome respite from the day’s rigorous coloring and algebra lessons. Those respites allowed us to dream and begin shaping our own futures. They challenged us to be creative. They prompted us to be different.
Not knowing the significance of the moment or science behind the launches, we grew up in the shadow of some of the greatest achievements of mankind: space travel. Recognizing it now, there’s no doubt I benefited from watching those launches. However, I wish I was around to see the next level of what’s going…SpaceX.
Whenever I see highlights of SpaceX launches on TV, I get transported back to being a kid in class gazing up at the rockets in the sky and wonder how kids are reacting nowadays. Watching rocket launches is something most people will never get a chance to do. We were (and are) lucky to have grown up in Lompoc.