We grew up in a small city on California’s Central Coast. I can only describe the city as “unique;” while my brother and sister may choose different adjectives. The city itself is absolutely gorgeous. Painted murals can be found all throughout the city–featured on main streets and alleyways alike. Rolling California hills surround the small valley, while colorful flower fields blanket the corridor to the coast.
To add to its physical beauty, Lompoc is also home to some pretty amazing people; many of which I grew up with. There are professional athletes who came from Lompoc and are still showered with support from the community. There are actors and celebrities who hail from the small town as well. However, despite the notoriety, many Lompocians will never get a chance to be on a stage larger than the civic auditorium at Lompoc Valley Middle School. And you know what…that’s ok. That what makes Lompoc “Lompoc:” A community of people, all unique, most from different cities around the globe (thanks to the Air Force Base and federal prison), living with each other in close proximity. Lompocians do their work, help each other out and don’t ask for much of anything in return.
You see, there are no absolutely wealthy people in Lompoc–at least from what meets the eye. The wealthy tend to stay in Santa Barbara or San Luis Obispo. Most families make about the same amount of money as the next family. The person working at the local fast food joint makes about the same as the local entrepreneur. If they don’t you would never know it…as all houses look the same, cars are similar and, due to the cool weather, people dress alike: warm.
When you take socioeconomics out of the equation, you are left with a city where, in order to be different, the individual has to get creative. In fact, one of my biggest takeaways from growing up in Lompoc, is creativity breeds opportunity which breeds more chances to be creative. I’m not talking about murals or artwork either. Rather, I’m talking about creativity in a survival sense. Thinking outside the norm; about ways to make life better. From simple jerryrigging of a pulley system to get shingles on top of a roof to figuring out a way to garden that is sustainable and produces as much veggies as a family can eat. There is no shortage of creativity in Lompoc.
One powerful example of that creativity from my childhood was a coffee shop called “Coffee Beans & Things.” It sat in the middle of town on “H” Street, so everyone had to pass by it at some point. In the mid 80’s when Starbucks was not yet the Starbucks most are addicted to now, Coffee Beans & Things was the only gourmet coffee shop on the Central Coast. The Santa Barbara News Press and Los Angeles Times would visit the little shop just to write articles about it. Indeed, introducing this small corner of the world to espresso, latte and cappuccino was an undertaking only the creative could endure. Yet it wasn’t about the coffee.
Coffee Beans & Things brought the community together. Political debates happened there. Former mayors would meet for their weekly coffee and discuss the political discourse. New musicians would hangout to showcase their talents, hopping for honest, supportive feedback. All races and ethnicities would walk through the doors, enjoy a cup of coffee with each other and go about their day knowing just a little bit more about the “other” and becoming that much more accepting of differences. In all, my family’s coffee shop introduced me to a microcosm and variety of people that has really helped me in life to understand and relate to almost anyone.
In this blog, you’ll be introduced to some of those characters I met in the shop and those I grew up with in Lompoc. Names may change, but the lessons and memories remain the same.
Grab your cup of coffee, sip, reminisce and enjoy!